Hot Topics for Today's Challenging Business Environment
Dr. Dan Elkins draws upon 25 years of experience in executive career development, management consulting and team building to address some of the hottest and most relevant topics in today's business world. In addition to consulting engagements, he delivers keynote speeches and conducts seminars at leading business conferences.
Some of his most requested speech/seminar topics include:
- Emotional Competence at Work . . . Think you've got it?
- Employee Retention . . . Is it relevant in today's economy?
- When heads are rolling, how to keep yours! Maximizing your value in a cost cutting environment.
- Can you afford bad leadership in today's economy? Why integrity, commitment, and expertise are not enough.
- The "Geek" leader . . . Is that an oxymoron?
Emotional Competence at Work . . . Think you've got it?
Why bother worrying about emotional competence at work? That's just for family, friends and community interaction, right? Actually not! More careers are derailed by emotional incompetence or low emotional quotient (E.Q.) than technical incompetence. Most people are skilled enough at their jobs, but too many are unskilled at getting along well with, leading, and inspiring others. They simply can't play well in the sandbox. Dr. Elkins helps you figure how to spot low E.Q. in yourself and others, what to do if it's lacking, and how to improve your quotient. Your career can depend on it.
Press play to listen to Dan Elkins talk about E.Q.
Employee Retention . . . Is it relevant in today's economy?
Absolutely! Now more than ever! When financial resources are flush, allowing full to overly-full staffing levels while still making a profit, a company can afford to lose a few. But today, it is a risky game letting your stars and future stars walk. Organizations have to work harder to find the best, reward the best, and keep the best. If not, future viability is in question. As companies hold on, then reboot for future growth, they must have the finest core of professionals and leaders around whom to build. When growth comes, this core team will be able to compete with others in the even more competitive market . . . you had better keep the good ones! Dr. Elkins shares his top strategies and techniques for holding on to and motivating your "A Team."
When heads are rolling, how to keep yours! Maximizing your value in a cost cutting environment.
Some basic understandings and strategies really work. Here are a few to consider:
- First, a serious, honest self evaluation is critical. Figure out your best value to the company.
- Next, how can you maximize that value? Just work harder or longer? Not usually. You need to make sure your assessment of that value is aligned with your boss, team and corporate strategy.
- Find the right thing to do! You may need the extra project, the new team, the major recent success to provide some glue in shaky times. Staying the well-worn course could be a tactical disaster.
- Figure out your best way to "manage up." This is not "kissing up." But, it is making sure your accomplishments and value are well known in the right way. If it's true, it may not be bragging. One has to do this carefully, yet do it nonetheless.
- Network, network, network . . . internal alliances are critical. You must not be the only one to understand your work and appreciate yourself. Others are vital. People in foxholes and silos are easy targets for the mortars of downsizing.
- Who can "do you in" first and easiest? Your direct reports! If people report to you, they need to applaud your leadership that helps them be productive. You can be replaced if not adding value to those who report to you. Just like the coach carried out on the shoulders of the winning team, you want your team to lift you through success.
- Last, stay focused on five essentials: Integrity, Great communication, Accountability, Teachability, and Tenacity... keep on keeping on!
This is a great topic for business people at all stages of their career and is particularly relevant in today's economy.
Walking the Talk on Communication
Communication is the process of transferring signals/messages between a sender and a receiver through various methods (written words, nonverbal cues, spoken words). It is also the mechanism we use to establish and modify relationships.
Just because humans are blessed with the ability to express ourselves through language doesn't mean that we don't have to work at it . . . constantly. In fact, the Stanford University School of Business conducted a study that monitored a group of MBAs 10 years after graduation. One of their key discoveries in the real world was that their ability to communicate effectively with others and even engage in effective small talk had a huge impact on their success, whereas their grade point averages had no bearing whatsoever.
Strategic Advantages works with individuals and team on developing effective communications skills.
Press play to listen to Jay Conner talk about communication.
The "Geek" leader . . . Is that an oxymoron?
Not really. Even though leadership is difficult for many with high technical skills and frames of reference, it can be developed and be effective. Special challenges exist when highly technical professionals and managers do one or two things so well they become invaluable, but are not leading their teams effectively or are even leaving a field of bodies in the wake. This can be remedied through the right coaching and team interaction. Dr. Elkins provides key insights and shares specific strategies on how "Geeks" can become as effective in management and leadership and they are in the technical arena.